
How To Beat and Get Glalie and Torterra: Pokemon GO

Unlike other Pokémon games, catching does not entail fighting one Pokémon against another. Instead, you’ll need good aim to catch a Pokémon. Because Pokémon battles are fought by swiping a Poké Ball toward a Pokémon, it’s a monster-versus-monster situation. In this article, we’ll talk about two specific Pokemons: Torterra and Glalie



Snorunt evolves into Glalie, an Ice-type Pokémon. Snorunt transforms into its First Evolution with the help of 50 Candy. Stamina is their primary scaling attribute. 


  • Caves are known to be home to Snorunt and Glalie. Trainers in Pokémon GO are most likely to come across these Pokémon in Drowzee Biomes. Because Snorunt visits human homes, city-dwelling trainers may have an easier time.


  • 162 Attack,162 Defence, 190 Stamina
  • Ice-type Pokemon

Best Moves

  • Avalanche, Ice Shard

Weak Against

  • Rock, Fighting, Fire, and, Steel-type moves

Best Counters

  • Reshiram, Metagross, Lucario, Chandelure, Darmanitan



Shadow Torterra is a powerful Grass Type attacker who ranks near the top of the game’s Grass Type attackers. Its Grass/Ground typing, on the other hand, makes it a mixed bag of a Pokemon.

Turtwig evolves into its First Evolution with the help of 25 Candy. Then, using 100 Candy, it evolves into its Final Evolution, a Grass and Ground-type pokemon. Stamina is their primary scaling attribute.


  • Torterra can be found and caught in spawn locations such as Farmland, Forest, and Meadow.


  • 202 Attack, 188 Defence, 216 Stamina
  • Grass and Ground-type Pokemon

Best Moves

  • Frenzy Plant, Razor Leaf

Weak Against

  • Fire, Bug, Ice and, Flying-type moves

Best Counters

  • Mamoswine, Yanmega, Gliscor, Weavile, Glaceon


Here’s a tip

When it comes to evolving your Pokemon, you want them to have the highest possible CP so that they can evolve into even more powerful beasts. Put your Pokemon’s details into an IV calculator like Pokeassistant if you want to get down to the nitty-gritty of how much you can level up. This section breaks down each category to provide you with information on the best ways to progress.

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