May 2021 Pokemon Go Egg Chart

Pokemon Go Egg Chart is continually shifting, so regular monitoring which Pokemon are spawning from eggs is indeed a great idea!

NOTE: An asterisk (*) means the pokemon may be shiny.

With the launch of the Season of Legends last March, the Pokémon obtainable from 2km eggs were adjusted. By activating the egg, you may now see which critter can hatch from 2km eggs, as well as their rarity tiers.

Bunnelby Magikarp* Cubone*
Litleo Fletchling* Growlithe*
Hoppip Budew* Dunsparce*
Meditite* Minccino* Mudkip*
Spoink* Swablu* Torchic*
Treecko* Wailmer* Wooper*

It’s worth noting that throughout in-game events, 5km eggs include a possibility of bearing a Pokémon associated with that event, which will affect the rarity of Pokémon who aren’t associated.

Blitzle Solosis Pineco*
Chespin Azurill* Drowzee*
Fennekin Clamperl* Ralts*
Froakie Eevee* Roggenrola*
Gothita Feebas* Scyther*
Munna Lickitung* Voltrob*

The 7km egg database is always centered on the accessible Galarian and Alolan Pokémon since the 8th of June 2020.

Rattata (Alolan)*
Meowth (Alolan)*
Grimer (Alolan)*

With the launch of the Season of Legends last March, the Pokemon Go Egg Chart for 10km eggs was adjusted. By activating the egg, you may now see which critter can hatch from 10km eggs, as well as their rarity tiers.

Audino Espurr Alomomola* Riolu*
Axew Golett Gible* Rufflet*
Darumaka Liwick Klink* Shinx*
Emolga Noibat Nincada* Timburr*

12km eggs, further identified as ‘Strange’ or Red Eggs. You must beat a Leader in a showdown and have an empty egg slot to obtain a Red ‘Strange’ Egg.

Pancham Sandile Vullaby Deino* Qwilfish*
Pawniard Scraggy Absol* Larvitar* Skorupi*

Pokemon Go Eggs

  • There is no reproduction option in Pokemon Go, unlike in the original series.
  • Pokémon Eggs are collected at intervals from PokéStops.
  • For 7km Eggs – Gifts
  • For 12km Eggs – Rocket Leaders
  • You can collect a total of 9 eggs maximum.

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