Best Builds for Eula in Genshin Impact

Eula is a 5-Star Cryo Claymore character in Genshin Impact. Learn about Eula’s build, best weapons, best artifacts, talent priority in this build guide!

Main DPS and Support Builds for Eula

Physical Main DPS

Best Weapon: Song of Broken Pines

Replacement Weapons
1. Wolf’s Gravestone
2. The Unforged
3. Serpent Spine

Best Artifacts
Pale Flame x4

Main Stats
Sands: ATK%
Goblet: Physical DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%

Physical DMG Stack

Best Weapon: Song of Broken Pines

Replacement Weapons
1. Wolf’s Gravestone
2. The Unforged
3. Serpent Spine

Best Artifacts
Pale Flame x2
Image Bloodstained Chivalry x2

Main Stats
Sands: ATK%
Goblet: Physical DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Substats: Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%

Eula’s Talent Priority

Main DPS
1st Elemental Burst
2nd Normal Attack
3rd Elemental Skill

Best Artifacts

Pale Flame

2-PC: Physical DMG +25%
4-PC: When an Elemental skill hits an opponent, ATK is increased by 9% for 7s. This effect stacks up to 2 times and can be triggered once every 0.3s. Once 2 stacks are reached, 2-set effect is doubled.

Pale Flame

2-PC: Physical DMG +25%.

Bloodstained Chivalry 

2-PC: Physical DMG +25%.

Emblem of Severed Fate

2-PC: Energy Recharge +20%.

Best Weapons

Song of Broken Pines

Bonus Stat: Physical DMG 4.5%
Skill Effect: Increases ATK by 16%. When Normal or Charged Attacks hit opponents, the character gains a Sigil of Whispers (once every 0.3s). When you reach 4 Sigils, all will be consumed and all nearby party members will get increased Normal ATK SPD by 12% and ATK by 20% for 12s. Once this triggers, you gain no Sigils for 20s. Buffs of the same type won’t stack. The same buffs from the Millennial Movement series does not stack.

Wolf’s Gravestone

Bonus Stat: ATK 10.8%
Skill Effect: Increases ATK by 20%. On hit, attacks against enemies with less than 30% HP increases all party members’ ATK by 40% for 12s. Can only occur once every 30s.

Serpent Spine

Bonus Stat: CRIT Rate 6.0%
Skill Effect: Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 6% more DMG and take 3% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.

Eula Stats

HP Attack Defense Ascension Stat
Lvl 20 2.671 92 152 CRIT DMG 50%
Lvl 80 11,669 301 662 CRIT DMG 88.4%

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